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SNAPSHOT: Email Management at expert.ai

Fast response is key to keep customers and employees satisfied and processes efficient. Automating the triage of incoming email can drastically reduce your time spent reading and processing them one by one, redirect your efforts to more important tasks and bring efficiency to back-office processes.

To streamline the email management, expert.ai offers advanced, out-of-the-box natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities that address common use cases and can be easily customized to your specific needs. Through AI-based NLU, expert.ai can analyze and organize the increasing number of email inquiries from internal and external customers that require a response.

Expert.ai Email Management

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NLP Solution Evaluation: POC Best Practices

A proof of concept helps a company validate the feasibility of the proposed solution in a controlled environment and it provides an opportunity to identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during the implementation phase.